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User and groups

Learn how manage different users and order its in personalized groups.

User groups.

Cuppa has 4 different groups by default (Super admin, Admin, Users, Unregistered), but is possible create your personals groups.

To create a new group and manage the created groups, go to Users > User Groups

In this panel you can define if the people inside this group have access to administrator area or only to site login.

Table Manager. This table (cu_user_groups) is configured with Table Manager. Is possible add quickly more fields.

  1. Add the new field inside the table in your database.
  2. Go to the Table Manager, and edit it, you should see the new field to configure its. 

Create users.

Go to Users > User Accounts on top menu to see the list of all user registered.

To insert, edit, delete or download, use the top right buttons.

Table Manager. This table (cu_users) is configured with Table Manager. Is possible add quickly more fields.

  1. Add the new field inside the table in your database.
  2. Go to the Table Manager, and edit it, you should see the new field to configure its.